The craft of brewing

Beer has a history that goes back many thousands of years. Beer is undoubtedly one of the tastiest cultural assets in the world. Brewed in accordance with the German Purity Law in 1516, Chemnitzer Turmbräu is more than that: a natural, sparkling and, above all, truly delicious flavour experience! Reason enough to take a closer look behind the scenes of our brewery. Take: Water, malt (kilned barley), hops and beer yeast.


Various types of malt are initially milled (coarsely ground) in our two-roller malt mill. The right mixture is of great importance here. This is because the composition is later decisive for the taste and colour of our beers. However, the exact recipe remains a secret, as our Hell, Kupfer, Weizen and KoppBock beers are of course only available from us at the Chemnitzer Turm-Brauhaus. But this much can be revealed: Pilsner malt is also included.

Mashing, lautering, cooking

The crushed malt is now mixed with tempered brewing water in the mash kettle to break down the starch into sugar. After approx. 2.5 hours, this mash is then filtered in the lauter tun. The liquid components (wort) are separated from the solid components (spent grains). This wort is then boiled in the brewing kettle with the addition of hops. The spent grains are no longer needed in the further brewing process. Some of it is sold to organic farmers and used to bake our fresh spent grains bread. The original gravity of our Hell and Kupfer beers is approx. 11.5.


The finished wort is cooled to 7°C, beer yeast is added and the one-week fermentation process is initiated. Yeast, by the way, is a fungus whose purpose in life is to constantly multiply and convert sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide. Enviable, isn’t it …?


However, as fermentation produces not only alcohol and CO2 but also several hundred different by-products, most of which have a negative effect on the flavour of the beer, the beer has to mature for around three weeks at 0°C in refrigerated storage tanks. During this period, our beer not only acquires its original flavour, but also its refreshing character through the binding of carbon dioxide.

Turmbräu To Go under ‘Pick up’

2-litre siphon
for home use

The most popular of our beers is our copper. So that you can also enjoy this great taste experience at home, we fill it into a 2-litre glass goblet. You can take it home with you, give it to friends and when it’s empty, we’ll be happy to refill it with freshly brewed copper.

20 or 50 litre barrel
for your celebration

We fill our beers into 20 or 50 litre kegs for your small or large party in the garden. With our special tapping system, you can tap beer conveniently without a CO2 bottle. Simply call the brewery the day before and the beer will be ready for you in the desired keg the next day.

Our little ‘brewery museum’

In the historic corner of our tower brewery, you can marvel at true gems of the traditional brewing craft. For example, ancient hop sacks, taps and even an original barrel filling system from around 1900…

A brewery tour

Let our master brewer initiate you into the secrets of the ancient craft of brewing. A guided tour of the Turm-Brauhaus including beer tasting + 2cl Turmgeist from the brewery distillery + 1 souvenir glass 1/8l to take home is available for €13.50 per person. (Advance booking by telephone on 0371 – 90 95 095 or by email to

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